Electricity Outages
At their monthly meeting, the chamber president/CEO and village administrator discussed the frequent power outages that are impacting local businesses. The village assures us that they are well aware of the issue and that they are taking steps to minimize these outages. The chamber would like to see better communication from the village to the business community, an analysis of other similiar communities and how our outages compare, as well as a clearly communicated plan to put an end to these frequent outages.
If you are willing to provide a first-person account of how the electric outages impact your business, we encourage you to attend an upcoming Village Board Meeting (first Wed of each month) and/or an upcoming Utility Commission Meeting (second Tuesday of each month). Participating in public meetings is a great way to shine a light on issues impacting the business community.
There is an apartment complex being proposed in downtown Mount Horeb by Steve Brown Apartments. The location of the project is on Front and First Streets where there is currently a parking lot. The chamber conducted a parking survey of downtown businesses and shared its findings with the Village Board. (A similar study was conducted in 2019.) This prompted the Board to hire MSA to conduct a parking study to assess the downtown parking needs, both current and long-term.
There was a Public Open House concerning Downtown Parking on October 23, from 5:30-7:00pm at the Mount Horeb Senior Center. You can download the slide deck presented at this meeting here.
As part of the study, MSA has also released a Parking Survey and would like residents and business owners/operators to complete it by October 29.
The Business Advocacy Committee is a strategic advocate dedicated to educating, motivating and enabling unified action by all chamber business members.
Top Priorities Impacting our Business Community:
The Mount Horeb Area School District, the Mount Horeb Area Chamber of Commerce, and the Village of Mount Horeb formed the Mount Horeb Community Coalition in 2022. The Coalition's mission is to elevate Mount Horeb as a great place to live, to work, and to start or grow a business. We will do this by providing a quality education to our future workforce and developing our current workforce; by supporting our local businesses with information and exposure; and by attracting and retaining local businesses.
Submit questions, issues, concerns, etc. to info@trollway.com.